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Yerelleştirme Hizmeti - Lügat translation center

To expand your business to new markets and gain confidence in the local market, choose Lügat Translation Center’s localization services. We adapt your website, video games and apps to the target language and culture.

Web Site Yerelleştirme Hizmeti

Website Localization

In the localization process, we draw upon the social and cultural codes of the target language. We act with the awareness that localized content should be reproduced in accordance with cultural codes and the characteristics of the target language. If you want to go global, website localization can be your first step.
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App Localization

You have your mobile app ready but need localization support to go global? Lügat Translation Center offers you the support you need to achieve the translation and software infrastructure that you desire.
Oyun Yerelleştirme Hizmeti

Game Localization

Thanks to the game localization services, many games are translated into other languages and reach more people. Enjoy the Lügat privilege to get the game localization services that can make you go global.

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