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Quality Assurance

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We ensure that all translation services are checked and delivered to you flawlessly. This is why our quality assurance process involves proofreading, translation memory management and a terminology bank.



Quality assurance check is a crucial step in putting the finishing touch on the translation process. We offer redaction services to ensure that the translated content is checked in terms of spelling, punctuation and context.
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We are well aware that proofreading is as crucial as the translation process itself. All the translated contents are proofread and necessary corrections are made before being delivered to our clients.


The editing service involves the process of checking the source text and the target text simultaneously. As Lügat Translation Center, we provide bilingual editing services with our expert editorial team.
Çeviri Belleği Yönetimi

Translation Memory Management

For your long term projects involving similar documents and files, we provide support to you via CAT tools. With the translation memories we create for you exclusively, we render faster and more cost-effective translation solutions. Translation memories ensure consistency between your projects, creating a coherent work flow.
Terim Bankası Yönetimi

Term Bank Management

In our translation processes, we ensure that the terms that are essential for your work are preserved. Prior to translation, we create term lists for your project and continue to keep them until the completion of the project.

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