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Sözlü Çeviri Hizmeti Lügat translation center - Interpretation

We offer you interpretation services with our team of expert translators and editors.

Simültane Çeviri

Simultaneous Interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation is the process where the interpreter translates what the speaker says simultaneously during the speech. As Lügat Translation Center, we provide simultaneous interpretation services with our team of expert interpreters.

Consecutive Interpretation

Consecutive interpreting, which is one type of interpreting, is a translation service in which the translator listens to the speaker of the source language, takes notes and translates what is said into the target language. We render consecutive interpretation in the best possible way with our expert interpreters according to the ethical rules and interpretation standards.
Toplum Çevirmenliği

Community Interpreting

Community interpreting is a mode of interpretation designated to help the people in a community who have difficulty in accessing the social services due to a language barrier. We provide assistance to you and your work with our expert translators in community interpreting, which plays an important role in translation processes for refugees and asylum seekers. We offer you a rich experience in NGO projects and interpreter profile.
Diyalog Çevirmenliği

Dialogue Interpretation

In Lügat, we guarantee you an exclusive dialogue interpretation experience supported by high-tech tools.

Interpretation Services at Land Registry Offices

With our certified and legal interpreters, we provide you interpretation support for all real estate transactions in land registry offices. Besides our sectoral experience, we also offer a fast and reliable process management.
Resmi Dairelerde Çeviri Hizmeti

Interpretation Services at Government Offices

With our certified, legal and expert interpreters, we provide you interpretation support at government offices. We combine our rich sector experience with our team of expert interpreters.

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